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Icon | Power Level | Name | Description |
0 | Airborne | A card bearing this sigil will strike an opponent directly, even if there is a creature opposing it. | |
3 | Amorphous | When a card bearing this sigil is drawn, this sigil is replaced with another sigil at random. | |
-1 | Annoying | The creature opposing a card bearing this sigil gains 1 power. | |
4 | Armored | The first time a card bearing this sigil would take damage, prevent that damage. | |
3 | Attack Conduit | Other creatures within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil gain 1 power. | |
2 | Battery Bearer | When a card bearing this sigil is played, it provides an Energy Cell to its owner. | |
4 | Bifurcated Strike | A card bearing this sigil will strike each opposing space to the left and right of the space across from it. | |
2 | Blue Mox | While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, it provides a Blue Gem to its owner. | |
2 | Bomb Latch | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Detonator sigil. | |
4 | Bomb Spewer | When a card bearing this sigil is played, fill all empty spaces with Explode Bots. | |
-2 | Brittle | After attacking, a card bearing this sigil perishes. | |
3 | Brittle Latch | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Brittle sigil. | |
4 | Buff When Powered | If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit, it gains 2 power. | |
1 | Burrower | When an empty space would be struck, a card bearing this sigil will move to that space to receive the strike instead. | |
0 | Clinger | When one of your creatures is placed in a space, a card bearing this sigil will move towards them as far as possible. | |
0 | Detonator | When a card bearing this sigil dies, the creature opposing it, as well as adjacent friendly creatures, are dealt 10 damage. | |
4 | Double Strike | A card bearing this sigil will strike the opposing space an extra time when attacking. | |
4 | Energy Gun | Pay 1 Energy to deal 1 damage to the creature across from a card bearing this sigil. | |
3 | Fecundity | When a card bearing this sigil is played, a copy of it is created in your hand. | |
2 | Fledgling | A card bearing this sigil will grow into a more powerful form after 1 turn on the board. | |
3 | Frozen Away | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, the creature inside is released in its place. | |
-3 | Gem Dependant | If a card bearing this sigil's owner controls no Gem Vessels, a card bearing this sigil perishes. | |
1 | Gem Detonator | When Gem Vessels on the owner's side of the board die, they Detonate (the creature opposing them, as well as adjacent friendly creatures, are dealt 10 damage). | |
2 | Gem Guardian | When a card bearing this sigil is played, all Gem Vessels on the owners' side of the board gain Nano Armor. | |
3 | Gem Spawn Conduit | Empty spaces within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil spawn Gem Vessels at the end of the owner's turn. | |
3 | Gift Bearer | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, a random card is created in your hand. | |
1 | Gift When Powered | If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit when it perishes, a random card is created in your hand. | |
4 | Great Mox | While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, it provides a Green, Orange, and Blue gem to its owner. | |
2 | Green Mox | While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, it provides a Green Gem to its owner. | |
1 | Guardian | When an opposing creature is placed opposite to an empty space, a card bearing this sigil will move to that empty space. | |
3 | Healing Conduit | Other creatures within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil are healed at the end of the owner's turn. | |
1 | Hefty | At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil. Creatures in the way will be pushed in the same direction. | |
4 | Hoarder | When a card bearing this sigil is played, you may search your deck for any card and take it into your hand. | |
0 | Hostage File | When a card bearing this sigil perishes the file used to create it is really deleted from your Hard Drive. | |
3 | Leader | Creatures adjacent to a card bearing this sigil gain 1 power. | |
2 | Made Of Stone | A card bearing this sigil is immune to the effects of Touch of Death, Stinky, and fire. | |
1 | Mighty Leap | A card bearing this sigil will block an opposing creature bearing the Airborne sigil. | |
1 | Null Conduit | A card bearing this sigil may complete a circuit, but provides no effect. | |
2 | Orange Mox | While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, it provides an Orange Gem to its owner. | |
-1 | Overclocked | A card bearing this sigil has increased power. But, if a card bearing this sigil perishes, it is permanently removed from your deck. | |
1 | Rampager | At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil. Creatures in the way will be thrown back behind it. | |
4 | Repulsive | If a creature would attack a card bearing this sigil, it does not. | |
3 | Sentry | When a creature moves into the space opposing a card bearing this sigil, they are dealt 1 damage. | |
2 | Sharp Quills | Once a card bearing this sigil is struck, the striker is then dealt a single damage point. | |
1 | Shield Latch | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Nano Armor sigil. | |
3 | Sniper | You may choose which opposing space a card bearing this sigil strikes. | |
3 | Spawn Conduit | Empty spaces within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil spawn L33pB0ts at the end of the owner's turn. | |
1 | Sprinter | At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil. | |
2 | Stinky | The creature opposing a card bearing this sigil loses 1 power. | |
0 | Swapper | After a card bearing this sigil is dealt damage, swap its Power and Health. | |
4 | Touch of Death | When a card bearing this sigil damages another creature, that creature perishes. | |
1 | Transformer | At the beginning of your turn a card bearing this sigil will transform to, or from, Beast mode. | |
5 | Trifurcated Strike | A card bearing this sigil will strike each opposing space to the left, right, and center of it. | |
5 | Trifurcated When Powered | If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit, it will strike each opposing space to the left, right, and center of it. | |
2 | Unkillable | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, a copy of it is created in your hand. | |
2 | Vessel Printer | Once a card bearing this sigil is struck, draw a card from your Empty Vessel pile. | |
1 | Waterborne | A card bearing this sigil submerges itself during its opponent's turn. While submerged, opposing creatures attack its owner directly. | |
2 | Worthy Sacrifice | A card bearing this sigil is counted as 3 Blood rather than 1 Blood when sacrificed. | |
3 | Airborne Conduit | Cards within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil have Airborne. | |
1 | Airborne Latch | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Airborne sigil. | |
1 | Alarm Clock | The creature that this sigil is pointing to will gain +1 attack. The clock will turn at the beginning of the player's turn. | |
-1 | Annoying Without Green | The creature opposing a card bearing this sigil gains 1 power unless the owner of a card bearing this sigil also controls a Green Mox. | |
-1 | Armor Giver | When a card bearing this sigil enters, all opposing cards gain Nano Armor. | |
1 | Arsonist | When a card bearing this sigil is played, it sets all spaces on the board on fire for four turns. | |
2 | Bedazzling Conduit | Cards within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil are Gemified. | |
3 | Big Strike | A card bearing this sigil attacks all cards in all lanes opposing it, or attacks just the center opposing lane if there are no cards it can attack. | |
1 | Blue Mox Charger | When a card bearing this sigil is played, it creates a Charge in your hand for each Blue Mox its owner controls. Charge is a command that refills 1 Energy when played. | |
1 | Blue Mox Gift | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, if you control an Blue Mox, gain a random card. | |
1 | Blue Mox Looter | When a card bearing this sigil deals damage directly, if you control a Blue Mox, draw a card for each damage dealt. | |
3 | Bonus Energy Conduit | If a card bearing this sigil is part of a completed circuit, it provides three additional energy. | |
3 | Bounty Hunter | When drawn, a card bearing this sigil will turn into a random bounty hunter | |
1 | Brittle Lord | As long as a card bearing this sigil is alive, cards with Brittle have Unkillable. | |
4 | Brittle Summoner | When a card bearing this sigil is played, a random brittle card is created in your hand. | |
-1 | Brittle Without Orange | After attacking, a card bearing this sigil will perish if its owner does not control an Orange Mox | |
1 | Buck Wild | Upon taking damage, this card will charge into the opposing slot, killing anything in its way. | |
2 | Bulldoze | Pay 1 Energy to cause this card to move in the direction inscribed in the sigil. Creatures that are in the way will be pushed in the same direction.. | |
-1 | Burnt Out | When a card bearing this sigil dies, it sets the land on fire for three turns. | |
2 | Combat Research | When a card bearing this sigil deals damage, create a Forced Upgrade card in hand. Forced Upgrade is defined as a command that costs 2 energy and caused any target to upgrade to a new version. | |
1 | Conduit Latch | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Null Conduit sigil. | |
1 | Conduit Protector | When a card bearing this sigil is within a completed circuit, damage that would be dealt to the conduits is dealt to this creature instead. | |
-1 | Dead Byte | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, take 1 damage. | |
1 | Death Latch | A card bearing this sigil will die at the end of the turn. When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain this sigil. This will repeat. | |
0 | Double Sprinter | At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil twice. | |
1 | Dust Giver | As long as a card bearing this sigil is alive, all friendly cards have Magic Dust | |
3 | Electric | When a card bearing this sigil declares an attack, it will deal half the damage to cards adjacent to the target. | |
5 | Emerald Blessing | A card bearing this sigil provides +2 Health to all creatures you control. | |
1 | Energy Siphon | Whenever another card you own dies in combat, a card bearing this sigil creates a Charge in your hand. Charge is a command that refills 1 Energy when played. | |
1 | Explodonate When Powered | If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit, it detonates itself and all five adjacent spaces. | |
3 | Fire Strike | When a card bearing this sigil attacks, it sets the target space on fire for three turns. | |
1 | Flame Stoker | While a card bearing this sigil is on board, all fires you start will be stronger, causing them to last one turn longer. | |
0 | Flammable | When a card bearing this sigil dies, it detonates and sets adjacent spaces on fire for three turns | |
2 | Fully Loaded | When a card bearing this sigil dies, it leaves a permanent +1 attack bonus in the lane it occupied. | |
2 | Full of Oil | When a card bearing this sigil dies, it adds 3 health to the creature on either side and across from it. | |
2 | Gas Conduit | Cards within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil have Fire Strike and Burnt Out. | |
5 | Gem Strike | A card bearing this sigil attacks once for each gem provider its owner controls. | |
1 | Green Mox Buff | When a card bearing this sigil is played, it gains two health for each Green Mox its owner controls. | |
1 | Green Mox Gift | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, if you control a Green Mox, gain a random card. | |
5 | Holo Trap | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, the creature opposing it perishes as well. A Vessel is created in your hand. | |
3 | Hopper | At the end of each turn, a card bearing this sigil moves to an empty space of its owner's choosing. | |
3 | Launch Missile | Skip your attack this turn to launch a missile that lands on the next turn, splashing damage to adjacent spaces. Use carefully - ammo is limited. | |
2 | Launch Self | A card bearing this sigil can sacrifice itself to launch a missile that lands on the next turn, splashing damage to adjacent spaces. | |
1 | Magic Dust | When a card bearing this sigil dies, it leaves one of its gems behind on the board. Any future cards in that space will provide those gems. | |
2 | Miner | A card bearing this sigil buries itself during its opponent's turn. While buried, opposing creatures attack its owner directly. When it comes back up, it creates a card in its owner's hand. | |
3 | Mine Cryptocurrency | When part of a conduit, a card bearing this sigil will generate cryptocurrency. | |
-1 | Nerf This! | When a card bearing this sigil is draw, it gains a randomly selected negative ability | |
1 | Orange Mox Airborne | If you control an Orange Mox, this card will ignore opposing cards and strike an opponent directly. | |
2 | Orange Mox Warrior | When a card bearing this sigil is played, it attacks all enemy cards opposite Orange Mox providers its owner controls. | |
1 | Overcharge | Pay 4 Energy to increase the Power of this card by 1 | |
0 | Overheat | When the scales are in your favor, a card bearing this sigil loses 1 power. When the scales aren't in your favor, a card bearing this sigil gains 1 power. | |
2 | Overwhelming Entrance | When a card bearing this sigil is played, all opposing creatures are tossed into new slots | |
2 | Phasers Ready | When a card bearing this sigil is played, create two Zap! cards in hand. Zap! is defined as a command that costs 2 energy and deals 1 damage to any target. | |
2 | Phase Through | At the end of its controller's turn, a card bearing this sigil moves one space in the direction indicated, moving through other cards if necessary until it finds an empty space. | |
4 | Power Dice | Pay 3 Energy to set the power of a card bearing this sigil randomly between 1 and 6. | |
-3 | Power Drain | A card bearing this sigil consumes all of its owner's available energy each turn. | |
1 | Rampage Latch | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Rampager sigil. The target will immediately rampage once when the latch is applied. | |
3 | Rapid Recycle | Pay 1 Energy to choose another card you control to die and immediately respawn. You may only activate this ability once per turn. | |
1 | Recharge | When a card bearing this sigil is played, one energy will be refilled (up to the player's maximum energy) | |
1 | Recharge Reserves | Pay 2 Energy to create a Charge in your hand. Charge is defined as a spell that refills 1 Energy when played. | |
2 | Rubber Stamp | Whenever you play a card bearing this sigil, it becomes a copy of another creature of your choosing. If this creature has other abilities, those abilities will be transferred (up to the maximum of 4). | |
5 | Ruby Blessing | A card bearing this sigil provides +1 Attack to all creatures you control. | |
5 | Sapphire Blessing | A card bearing this sigil reduces the cost of all cards in your hand by 1. | |
3 | Scrap Dumper | When a card bearing this sigil is played, a broken bot is played on the opposing space. | |
2 | Second Chance | Whenever a friendly non-Brittle creature dies, if a card bearing this sigil is on the battlefield, a 1/1 skeleton will be created in its place. | |
3 | Seed Sprinter | At the end of its controller's turn, a card bearing this sigil moves one space in the direction indicated (if it can) and plants a seed in its previous space. | |
2 | Shield Absorption | When a card bearing this sigil is played, all creatures lose their shields. This creature gains 1 attack for each shield lost this way. | |
1 | Short Circuit | If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit at the beginning of the turn, create a Zap! in your hand. Zap! is defined as a command that costs 2 energy and deals 1 damage to any target. | |
2 | Shred | Shred a card from your hand to get +1 Attack (until end of turn). The shredded card counts as having died. | |
-1 | Skeleclocked | When a card bearing this sigil dies, it permanently becomes an Exeskeleton with the same abilities. If a card bearing this sigil has Unkillable, it will be unaffected. | |
1 | Solar Heart | When a card bearing this sigil dies, its heart stays behind and provides conduit power to the slot. | |
3 | Splice Conduit | If a card bearing this sigil completes a circuit, all cards within that circuit are moved towards it, splicing with it if possible. | |
2 | Static Electricity | A card bearing this sigil will cause adjacent cards to behave as if they are part of a completed conduit. | |
2 | Stinky Conduit | Cards within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil have Stinky. | |
1 | Stone Giver | As long as a card bearing this sigil is alive, all friendly cards are Made of Stone | |
3 | Summon Familiar | When a card bearing this sigil is played, it plays a techbeast in an empty adjacent slot. | |
2 | Swapper Latch | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Swapper sigil. The target will immediately swap stats once when the latch is applied. | |
-5 | Synchronized Fate | When a card bearing this sigil dies, you lose the game. | |
1 | Transforms When Powered | If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit at the beginning of the turn, it will transform into a stronger form. | |
0 | Transforms When Unpowered | If a card bearing this sigil is NOT within a circuit at the beginning of the turn, it will transform back its original form. | |
1 | Trap When Powered | When a card bearing this sigil perishes while in a circuit, the creature opposing it perishes as well. A Vessel is created in your hand. | |
3 | Unkillable When Powered | If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit when it perishes, a copy of it is created in your hand. | |
1 | Upgrade | When a card bearing this sigil targets a slot, the target is immediately upgraded to a stronger version of itself. | |
1 | Vessel Heart | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, a vessel is created in its place. | |
0 | Waterborne When Unpowered | If a card bearing this sigil is NOT within a circuit it submerges itself during its opponent's turn. While submerged, opposing creatures attack its owner directly. | |
1 | Zap | Deals damage directly to the target. | |
0 | Zip of Death | Take 2 damage. |
Secret Sigils
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for the "Great Transcendence" challenge. |
These sigils will not appear in the rulebook unless the player is in the battle against Multiversal P03. Due to their similarity to their normal counterparts, these sigils have a rainbow hue similar to the RGB skin for completing the Scarlet Skull achievement.
Icon | Power Level | Name | Description |
0 | Multiverse Detonator | When a card bearing this sigil dies, all adjacent cards in all universes are dealt 10 damage. | |
0 | Multiverse Full of Oil | When a card bearing this sigil dies, it adds 3 health to the creature on either side and across from it in every universe. | |
0 | Multiverse Fully Loaded | When a card bearing this sigil dies, it leaves a permanent +1 attack bonus in the lane it occupied in every universe. | |
0 | Multiverse Guardian | When an opposing creature is placed opposite to an empty space in any universe, a card bearing this sigil will move that empty space. | |
0 | Multiverse Bomb Latch | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature in any universe to gain the Multiverse Detonator sigil. | |
0 | Multiverse Brittle Latch | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature in any universe to gain the Brittle sigil. | |
0 | Multiverse Shield Latch | When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature in any universe to gain the Nano Armor sigil. | |
0 | Multiverse Burrower | When an empty space would be struck, a card bearing this sigil will cross universes to move to that space to receive the strike instead. | |
0 | Multiverse Null Conduit | Circuits completed by a card bearing this sigil are completed in every universe. | |
0 | Multiverse Mighty Leap | A card bearing this sigil will leap across universes to block attacks that occur in this lane in any universe. | |
0 | Multiverse Sentry | When a creature moves into the space opposing a card bearing this sigil in any universe, they are dealt 1 damage. | |
0 | Multiverse Sprinter | At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move to the next universe. | |
0 | Multiverse Strike | A card bearing this sigil will strike each opposing space in every universe other than its own. | |
0 | Multiverse Great Mox | When a card bearing this sigil is played, a Green, Orange, and Blue Gem is provided to the owner's side in every universe. | |
0 | Multiverse Hoarder | When a card bearing this sigil is played, you may search the multiverse for a card that has perished that is capable of traversing the multiverse. |