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Icon Power Level Name Description
Ability Airborne.png 0 Airborne A card bearing this sigil will strike an opponent directly, even if there is a creature opposing it.
Ability Amorphous.png 3 Amorphous When a card bearing this sigil is drawn, this sigil is replaced with another sigil at random.
Ability Annoying.png -1 Annoying The creature opposing a card bearing this sigil gains 1 power.
Ability Armored.png 4 Armored The first time a card bearing this sigil would take damage, prevent that damage.
Ability Attack Conduit.png 3 Attack Conduit Other creatures within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil gain 1 power.
Ability Battery Bearer.png 2 Battery Bearer When a card bearing this sigil is played, it provides an Energy Cell to its owner.
Ability Bifurcated Strike.png 4 Bifurcated Strike A card bearing this sigil will strike each opposing space to the left and right of the space across from it.
Ability Blue Mox.png 2 Blue Mox While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, it provides a Blue Gem to its owner.
Ability Bomb Latch.png 2 Bomb Latch When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Detonator sigil.
Ability Bomb Spewer.png 4 Bomb Spewer When a card bearing this sigil is played, fill all empty spaces with Explode Bots.
Ability Brittle.png -2 Brittle After attacking, a card bearing this sigil perishes.
Ability Brittle Latch.png 3 Brittle Latch When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Brittle sigil.
Ability Buff When Powered.png 4 Buff When Powered If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit, it gains 2 power.
Ability Burrower.png 1 Burrower When an empty space would be struck, a card bearing this sigil will move to that space to receive the strike instead.
Ability Clinger.png 0 Clinger When one of your creatures is placed in a space, a card bearing this sigil will move towards them as far as possible.
Ability Detonator.png 0 Detonator When a card bearing this sigil dies, the creature opposing it, as well as adjacent friendly creatures, are dealt 10 damage.
Ability Double Strike.png 4 Double Strike A card bearing this sigil will strike the opposing space an extra time when attacking.
Ability Energy Gun.png 4 Energy Gun Pay 1 Energy to deal 1 damage to the creature across from a card bearing this sigil.
Ability Fecundity.png 3 Fecundity When a card bearing this sigil is played, a copy of it is created in your hand.
Ability Fledgling.png 2 Fledgling A card bearing this sigil will grow into a more powerful form after 1 turn on the board.
Ability Frozen Away.png 3 Frozen Away When a card bearing this sigil perishes, the creature inside is released in its place.
Ability Gem Dependant.png -3 Gem Dependant If a card bearing this sigil's owner controls no Gem Vessels, a card bearing this sigil perishes.
Ability Gem Detonator.png 1 Gem Detonator When Gem Vessels on the owner's side of the board die, they Detonate (the creature opposing them, as well as adjacent friendly creatures, are dealt 10 damage).
Ability Gem Guardian.png 2 Gem Guardian When a card bearing this sigil is played, all Gem Vessels on the owners' side of the board gain Nano Armor.
Ability Gem Spawn Conduit.png 3 Gem Spawn Conduit Empty spaces within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil spawn Gem Vessels at the end of the owner's turn.
Ability Gift Bearer.png 3 Gift Bearer When a card bearing this sigil perishes, a random card is created in your hand.
Ability Gift When Powered.png 1 Gift When Powered If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit when it perishes, a random card is created in your hand.
Ability Great Mox.png 4 Great Mox While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, it provides a Green, Orange, and Blue gem to its owner.
Ability Green Mox.png 2 Green Mox While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, it provides a Green Gem to its owner.
Ability Guardian.png 1 Guardian When an opposing creature is placed opposite to an empty space, a card bearing this sigil will move to that empty space.
Ability Healing Conduit.png 3 Healing Conduit Other creatures within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil are healed at the end of the owner's turn.
Ability Hefty.png 1 Hefty At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil. Creatures in the way will be pushed in the same direction.
Ability Hoarder.png 4 Hoarder When a card bearing this sigil is played, you may search your deck for any card and take it into your hand.
Ability Hostage File.png 0 Hostage File When a card bearing this sigil perishes the file used to create it is really deleted from your Hard Drive.
Ability Leader.png 3 Leader Creatures adjacent to a card bearing this sigil gain 1 power.
Ability Made Of Stone.png 2 Made Of Stone A card bearing this sigil is immune to the effects of Touch of Death, Stinky, and fire.
Ability Mighty Leap.png 1 Mighty Leap A card bearing this sigil will block an opposing creature bearing the Airborne sigil.
Ability Null Conduit.png 1 Null Conduit A card bearing this sigil may complete a circuit, but provides no effect.
Ability Orange Mox.png 2 Orange Mox While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, it provides an Orange Gem to its owner.
Ability Overclocked.png -1 Overclocked A card bearing this sigil has increased power. But, if a card bearing this sigil perishes, it is permanently removed from your deck.
Ability Rampager.png 1 Rampager At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil. Creatures in the way will be thrown back behind it.
Ability Repulsive.png 4 Repulsive If a creature would attack a card bearing this sigil, it does not.
Ability Sentry.png 3 Sentry When a creature moves into the space opposing a card bearing this sigil, they are dealt 1 damage.
Ability Sharp Quills.png 2 Sharp Quills Once a card bearing this sigil is struck, the striker is then dealt a single damage point.
Ability Shield Latch.png 1 Shield Latch When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Nano Armor sigil.
Ability Sniper.png 3 Sniper You may choose which opposing space a card bearing this sigil strikes.
Ability Spawn Conduit.png 3 Spawn Conduit Empty spaces within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil spawn L33pB0ts at the end of the owner's turn.
Ability Sprinter.png 1 Sprinter At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil.
Ability Stinky.png 2 Stinky The creature opposing a card bearing this sigil loses 1 power.
Ability Swapper.png 0 Swapper After a card bearing this sigil is dealt damage, swap its Power and Health.
Ability Touch of Death.png 4 Touch of Death When a card bearing this sigil damages another creature, that creature perishes.
Ability Transformer.png 1 Transformer At the beginning of your turn a card bearing this sigil will transform to, or from, Beast mode.
Ability Trifurcated Strike.png 5 Trifurcated Strike A card bearing this sigil will strike each opposing space to the left, right, and center of it.
Ability Trifurcated When Powered.png 5 Trifurcated When Powered If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit, it will strike each opposing space to the left, right, and center of it.
Ability Unkillable.png 2 Unkillable When a card bearing this sigil perishes, a copy of it is created in your hand.
Ability Vessel Printer.png 2 Vessel Printer Once a card bearing this sigil is struck, draw a card from your Empty Vessel pile.
Ability Waterborne.png 1 Waterborne A card bearing this sigil submerges itself during its opponent's turn. While submerged, opposing creatures attack its owner directly.
Ability Worthy Sacrifice.png 2 Worthy Sacrifice A card bearing this sigil is counted as 3 Blood rather than 1 Blood when sacrificed.
Ability Airborne Conduit.png 3 Airborne Conduit Cards within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil have Airborne.
Ability Airborne Latch.png 1 Airborne Latch When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Airborne sigil.
Ability Alarm Clock.png 1 Alarm Clock The creature that this sigil is pointing to will gain +1 attack. The clock will turn at the beginning of the player's turn.
Ability Annoying Without Green.png -1 Annoying Without Green The creature opposing a card bearing this sigil gains 1 power unless the owner of a card bearing this sigil also controls a Green Mox.
Ability Armor Giver.png -1 Armor Giver When a card bearing this sigil enters, all opposing cards gain Nano Armor.
Ability Arsonist.png 1 Arsonist When a card bearing this sigil is played, it sets all spaces on the board on fire for four turns.
Ability Bedazzling Conduit.png 2 Bedazzling Conduit Cards within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil are Gemified.
Ability Big Strike.png 3 Big Strike A card bearing this sigil attacks all cards in all lanes opposing it, or attacks just the center opposing lane if there are no cards it can attack.
Ability Blue Mox Charger.png 1 Blue Mox Charger When a card bearing this sigil is played, it creates a Charge in your hand for each Blue Mox its owner controls. Charge is a command that refills 1 Energy when played.
Ability Blue Mox Gift.png 1 Blue Mox Gift When a card bearing this sigil perishes, if you control an Blue Mox, gain a random card.
Ability Blue Mox Looter.png 1 Blue Mox Looter When a card bearing this sigil deals damage directly, if you control a Blue Mox, draw a card for each damage dealt.
Ability Bonus Energy Conduit.png 3 Bonus Energy Conduit If a card bearing this sigil is part of a completed circuit, it provides three additional energy.
Ability Bounty Hunter.png 3 Bounty Hunter When drawn, a card bearing this sigil will turn into a random bounty hunter
Ability Brittle Lord.png 1 Brittle Lord As long as a card bearing this sigil is alive, cards with Brittle have Unkillable.
Ability Brittle Summoner.png 4 Brittle Summoner When a card bearing this sigil is played, a random brittle card is created in your hand.
Ability Brittle Without Orange.png -1 Brittle Without Orange After attacking, a card bearing this sigil will perish if its owner does not control an Orange Mox
Ability Buck Wild.png 1 Buck Wild Upon taking damage, this card will charge into the opposing slot, killing anything in its way.
Ability Bulldoze.png 2 Bulldoze Pay 1 Energy to cause this card to move in the direction inscribed in the sigil. Creatures that are in the way will be pushed in the same direction..
Ability Burnt Out.png -1 Burnt Out When a card bearing this sigil dies, it sets the land on fire for three turns.
Ability Combat Research.png 2 Combat Research When a card bearing this sigil deals damage, create a Forced Upgrade card in hand. Forced Upgrade is defined as a command that costs 2 energy and caused any target to upgrade to a new version.
Ability Conduit Latch.png 1 Conduit Latch When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Null Conduit sigil.
Ability Conduit Protector.png 1 Conduit Protector When a card bearing this sigil is within a completed circuit, damage that would be dealt to the conduits is dealt to this creature instead.
Ability Dead Byte.png -1 Dead Byte When a card bearing this sigil perishes, take 1 damage.
Ability Death Latch.png 1 Death Latch A card bearing this sigil will die at the end of the turn. When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain this sigil. This will repeat.
Ability Double Sprinter.png 0 Double Sprinter At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil twice.
Ability Dust Giver.png 1 Dust Giver As long as a card bearing this sigil is alive, all friendly cards have Magic Dust
Ability Electric.png 3 Electric When a card bearing this sigil declares an attack, it will deal half the damage to cards adjacent to the target.
Ability Emerald Blessing.png 5 Emerald Blessing A card bearing this sigil provides +2 Health to all creatures you control.
Ability Energy Siphon.png 1 Energy Siphon Whenever another card you own dies in combat, a card bearing this sigil creates a Charge in your hand. Charge is a command that refills 1 Energy when played.
Ability Explodonate When Powered.png 1 Explodonate When Powered If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit, it detonates itself and all five adjacent spaces.
Ability Fire Strike.png 3 Fire Strike When a card bearing this sigil attacks, it sets the target space on fire for three turns.
Ability Flame Stoker.png 1 Flame Stoker While a card bearing this sigil is on board, all fires you start will be stronger, causing them to last one turn longer.
Ability Flammable.png 0 Flammable When a card bearing this sigil dies, it detonates and sets adjacent spaces on fire for three turns
Ability Fully Loaded.png 2 Fully Loaded When a card bearing this sigil dies, it leaves a permanent +1 attack bonus in the lane it occupied.
Ability Full of Oil.png 2 Full of Oil When a card bearing this sigil dies, it adds 3 health to the creature on either side and across from it.
Ability Gas Conduit.png 2 Gas Conduit Cards within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil have Fire Strike and Burnt Out.
Ability Gem Strike.png 5 Gem Strike A card bearing this sigil attacks once for each gem provider its owner controls.
Ability Green Mox Buff.png 1 Green Mox Buff When a card bearing this sigil is played, it gains two health for each Green Mox its owner controls.
Ability Green Mox Gift.png 1 Green Mox Gift When a card bearing this sigil perishes, if you control a Green Mox, gain a random card.
Ability Holo Trap.png 5 Holo Trap When a card bearing this sigil perishes, the creature opposing it perishes as well. A Vessel is created in your hand.
Ability Hopper.png 3 Hopper At the end of each turn, a card bearing this sigil moves to an empty space of its owner's choosing.
Ability Launch Missile.png 3 Launch Missile Skip your attack this turn to launch a missile that lands on the next turn, splashing damage to adjacent spaces. Use carefully - ammo is limited.
Ability Launch Self.png 2 Launch Self A card bearing this sigil can sacrifice itself to launch a missile that lands on the next turn, splashing damage to adjacent spaces.
Ability Magic Dust.png 1 Magic Dust When a card bearing this sigil dies, it leaves one of its gems behind on the board. Any future cards in that space will provide those gems.
Ability Miner.png 2 Miner A card bearing this sigil buries itself during its opponent's turn. While buried, opposing creatures attack its owner directly. When it comes back up, it creates a card in its owner's hand.
Ability Mine Cryptocurrency.png 3 Mine Cryptocurrency When part of a conduit, a card bearing this sigil will generate cryptocurrency.
Ability Nerf This!.png -1 Nerf This! When a card bearing this sigil is draw, it gains a randomly selected negative ability
Ability Orange Mox Airborne.png 1 Orange Mox Airborne If you control an Orange Mox, this card will ignore opposing cards and strike an opponent directly.
Ability Orange Mox Warrior.png 2 Orange Mox Warrior When a card bearing this sigil is played, it attacks all enemy cards opposite Orange Mox providers its owner controls.
Ability Overcharge.png 1 Overcharge Pay 4 Energy to increase the Power of this card by 1
Ability Overheat.png 0 Overheat When the scales are in your favor, a card bearing this sigil loses 1 power. When the scales aren't in your favor, a card bearing this sigil gains 1 power.
Ability Overwhelming Entrance.png 2 Overwhelming Entrance When a card bearing this sigil is played, all opposing creatures are tossed into new slots
Ability Phasers Ready.png 2 Phasers Ready When a card bearing this sigil is played, create two Zap! cards in hand. Zap! is defined as a command that costs 2 energy and deals 1 damage to any target.
Ability Phase Through.png 2 Phase Through At the end of its controller's turn, a card bearing this sigil moves one space in the direction indicated, moving through other cards if necessary until it finds an empty space.
Ability Power Dice.png 4 Power Dice Pay 3 Energy to set the power of a card bearing this sigil randomly between 1 and 6.
Ability Power Drain.png -3 Power Drain A card bearing this sigil consumes all of its owner's available energy each turn.
Ability Rampage Latch.png 1 Rampage Latch When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Rampager sigil. The target will immediately rampage once when the latch is applied.
Ability Rapid Recycle.png 3 Rapid Recycle Pay 1 Energy to choose another card you control to die and immediately respawn. You may only activate this ability once per turn.
Ability Recharge.png 1 Recharge When a card bearing this sigil is played, one energy will be refilled (up to the player's maximum energy)
Ability Recharge Reserves.png 1 Recharge Reserves Pay 2 Energy to create a Charge in your hand. Charge is defined as a spell that refills 1 Energy when played.
Ability Rubber Stamp.png 2 Rubber Stamp Whenever you play a card bearing this sigil, it becomes a copy of another creature of your choosing. If this creature has other abilities, those abilities will be transferred (up to the maximum of 4).
Ability Ruby Blessing.png 5 Ruby Blessing A card bearing this sigil provides +1 Attack to all creatures you control.
Ability Sapphire Blessing.png 5 Sapphire Blessing A card bearing this sigil reduces the cost of all cards in your hand by 1.
Ability Scrap Dumper.png 3 Scrap Dumper When a card bearing this sigil is played, a broken bot is played on the opposing space.
Ability Second Chance.png 2 Second Chance Whenever a friendly non-Brittle creature dies, if a card bearing this sigil is on the battlefield, a 1/1 skeleton will be created in its place.
Ability Seed Sprinter.png 3 Seed Sprinter At the end of its controller's turn, a card bearing this sigil moves one space in the direction indicated (if it can) and plants a seed in its previous space.
Ability Shield Absorption.png 2 Shield Absorption When a card bearing this sigil is played, all creatures lose their shields. This creature gains 1 attack for each shield lost this way.
Ability Short Circuit.png 1 Short Circuit If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit at the beginning of the turn, create a Zap! in your hand. Zap! is defined as a command that costs 2 energy and deals 1 damage to any target.
Ability Shred.png 2 Shred Shred a card from your hand to get +1 Attack (until end of turn). The shredded card counts as having died.
Ability Skeleclocked.png -1 Skeleclocked When a card bearing this sigil dies, it permanently becomes an Exeskeleton with the same abilities. If a card bearing this sigil has Unkillable, it will be unaffected.
Ability Solar Heart.png 1 Solar Heart When a card bearing this sigil dies, its heart stays behind and provides conduit power to the slot.
Ability Splice Conduit.png 3 Splice Conduit If a card bearing this sigil completes a circuit, all cards within that circuit are moved towards it, splicing with it if possible.
Ability Static Electricity.png 2 Static Electricity A card bearing this sigil will cause adjacent cards to behave as if they are part of a completed conduit.
Ability Stinky Conduit.png 2 Stinky Conduit Cards within a circuit completed by a card bearing this sigil have Stinky.
Ability Stone Giver.png 1 Stone Giver As long as a card bearing this sigil is alive, all friendly cards are Made of Stone
Ability Summon Familiar.png 3 Summon Familiar When a card bearing this sigil is played, it plays a techbeast in an empty adjacent slot.
Ability Swapper Latch.png 2 Swapper Latch When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Swapper sigil. The target will immediately swap stats once when the latch is applied.
Ability Synchronized Fate.png -5 Synchronized Fate When a card bearing this sigil dies, you lose the game.
Ability Transforms When Powered.png 1 Transforms When Powered If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit at the beginning of the turn, it will transform into a stronger form.
Ability Transforms When Unpowered.png 0 Transforms When Unpowered If a card bearing this sigil is NOT within a circuit at the beginning of the turn, it will transform back its original form.
Ability Trap When Powered.png 1 Trap When Powered When a card bearing this sigil perishes while in a circuit, the creature opposing it perishes as well. A Vessel is created in your hand.
Ability Unkillable When Powered.png 3 Unkillable When Powered If a card bearing this sigil is within a circuit when it perishes, a copy of it is created in your hand.
Ability Upgrade.png 1 Upgrade When a card bearing this sigil targets a slot, the target is immediately upgraded to a stronger version of itself.
Ability Vessel Heart.png 1 Vessel Heart When a card bearing this sigil perishes, a vessel is created in its place.
Ability Waterborne When Unpowered.png 0 Waterborne When Unpowered If a card bearing this sigil is NOT within a circuit it submerges itself during its opponent's turn. While submerged, opposing creatures attack its owner directly.
Ability Zap.png 1 Zap Deals damage directly to the target.
Ability Zip of Death.png 0 Zip of Death Take 2 damage.

Secret Sigils

Spoilericon.png WARNING: The following contains spoilers for the "Great Transcendence" challenge.

These sigils will not appear in the rulebook unless the player is in the battle against Multiversal P03. Due to their similarity to their normal counterparts, these sigils have a rainbow hue similar to the RGB skin for completing the Scarlet Skull achievement.

Icon Power Level Name Description
Ability Multiverse Detonator.png 0 Multiverse Detonator When a card bearing this sigil dies, all adjacent cards in all universes are dealt 10 damage.
Ability Multiverse Full of Oil.png 0 Multiverse Full of Oil When a card bearing this sigil dies, it adds 3 health to the creature on either side and across from it in every universe.
Ability Multiverse Fully Loaded.png 0 Multiverse Fully Loaded When a card bearing this sigil dies, it leaves a permanent +1 attack bonus in the lane it occupied in every universe.
Ability Multiverse Guardian.png 0 Multiverse Guardian When an opposing creature is placed opposite to an empty space in any universe, a card bearing this sigil will move that empty space.
Ability Multiverse Bomb Latch.png 0 Multiverse Bomb Latch When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature in any universe to gain the Multiverse Detonator sigil.
Ability Multiverse Brittle Latch.png 0 Multiverse Brittle Latch When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature in any universe to gain the Brittle sigil.
Ability Multiverse Shield Latch.png 0 Multiverse Shield Latch When a card bearing this sigil perishes, its owner chooses a creature in any universe to gain the Nano Armor sigil.
Ability Multiverse Burrower.png 0 Multiverse Burrower When an empty space would be struck, a card bearing this sigil will cross universes to move to that space to receive the strike instead.
Ability Multiverse Null Conduit.png 0 Multiverse Null Conduit Circuits completed by a card bearing this sigil are completed in every universe.
Ability Multiverse Mighty Leap.png 0 Multiverse Mighty Leap A card bearing this sigil will leap across universes to block attacks that occur in this lane in any universe.
Ability Multiverse Sentry.png 0 Multiverse Sentry When a creature moves into the space opposing a card bearing this sigil in any universe, they are dealt 1 damage.
Ability Multiverse Sprinter.png 0 Multiverse Sprinter At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move to the next universe.
Ability Multiverse Strike.png 0 Multiverse Strike A card bearing this sigil will strike each opposing space in every universe other than its own.
Ability Multiverse Great Mox.png 0 Multiverse Great Mox When a card bearing this sigil is played, a Green, Orange, and Blue Gem is provided to the owner's side in every universe.
Ability Multiverse Hoarder.png 0 Multiverse Hoarder When a card bearing this sigil is played, you may search the multiverse for a card that has perished that is capable of traversing the multiverse.