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Items are special single-use abilities that can often win battles on their own. There are two ways to replenish items:

1. The player can purchase them from an Item Node. Unlike the base game, purchasing an item node only yields a single item, even if the player has room in their backpack for multiple items.

2. Some Quests offer items as a reward.

Base Game Items

These items appeared in Act 3 of Inscryption.

Item BombRemote.png
Mrs. Bomb's Remote

When activated, Mrs. Bomb's Remote spawns an Explode Bot on every empty card slot (the same effect provided by playing a Mrs. Bomb. The player can then either go to combat or use the hammer to start a chain reaction of explosions.

When the Energy Hammer challenge is not activated, this item is one of the best ways to recover from a battle when the player has fallen behind. By hammering away your own board, then playing the Bomb Remote, then hammering an Explode Bot, you can play cards into an empty board and regain the tempo advantage very quickly.

Item Battery.png

The battery restores the player's current energy back up to their current max energy, allowing them to play additional cards this turn.

This item is perhaps the most generically useful of all the items, as the only thing it requires to be useful is for the player to have enough cards in hand (or activated abilities on board) to take advantage of the extra energy. As such, it's almost never wrong to purchase one of these at the item shop.

Item ShieldGenerator.png
Shield Generator

When activated, this item grants a shield to each card on the player's side of the board.

This card is situationally useful, but the situations where it is useful are situations where no other card even comes close to being as helpful. It is particularly useful in certain boss fights as P03 tends to use Broken Bots to reset the board state between phases and the Shield Generator makes that strategy ineffective.

New Items

These items are added by this mod.

Item UFO.png

The UFO allows you to choose any card on the board to pick up and put into your hand. You can then play that card from your hand at a later time, although it will not stay in your deck when the battle is concluded.

The UFO functions very similarly to the Scissors from Leshy's game; however, because it doesn't actually kill the card, it is especially valuable against special cards in boss battles, such as the Replicating Firewall or UNSAFE.DAT.

Item Amplification Coil.png
Amplification Coil

The Amplification Coil adds 2 max energy, but does not increase maximum energy beyond 6.

This item is one of the hardest to use strategically, as often by the time you realize you need it, it's too late to use it. If played early (turns 1 or 2), it can trivialize the entire battle as the player will be ahead of the expected energy curve and the opponent's board state simply won't build out fast enough. However, if played on turn 4 it only effectively provides a single extra energy, and on turns 5+ it does absolutely nothing.

Item Laser Rifle.png
Laser Rifle

The Laser Rifle allows you to choose one of your cards to gain the Sniper sigil until the end of the battle.

This item is less overtly powerful than some other items, but it provides a unique effect that can not only turn the tide of battle but also optimize the collection of extra Robobucks through overkill. When applied to a card that is safely hiding behind terrain, like a Bridge Railing or Mox Obelisk, you can focus that card's power on removing large threats and setting up for a large alpha strike on the final turn of the battle to maximize bonus earned currency.

Item Data Cube.png
Data Cube

The Data Cube deals 2 damage to P03 immediately when played.

This is another generically useful item that can either allow you to sneak in a victory before the opponent can get set up, or buy you an extra turn to turn the tide against an aggressive start from the opponent.

Item PocketWatch.png

The Wiseclock rotates the board clockwise when used. This item originally appeared in Leshy's Cabin as part of Kaycee's Mod; as of Version 4.0 of this mod, it still retains its original coloration and appearance.

Depending upon the board state, this item can be devastating to the opponent. Playing an Empty Vessel on the far left lane before activating the item results in one of the opponent's lanes being permanently blocked. And at the same time, you gain control of whichever card the opponent had on the far right lane. The wiseclock also breaks up most conduit setups and is incredibly disruptive to most board states established by various bosses.