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Page One Challenges

These are the core challenges for the mod, all together they provide the player with 215 Challenge Points. Completing a run with all of these challenges active earns the Scarlet Skull achievement.

Icon Points Title Description
Ascensionicon backpack.png 5 Smaller Backpack Your pack can hold 1 less item
Ascensionicon nohook.png 5 Missing Remote You do not start with Mrs. Bomb's Remote
Ascensionicon turbovessel.png 5 Turbo Vessels Your vessels have the Double Sprinter sigil
Ascensionicon broken bridge.png 5 Broken Bridges Only two regions are available at the start of each run
Ascensionicon expensivepelts.png 15 Pricey Upgrades All upgrades cost more
Ascensionicon scales.png 20 Tipped Scales Start all battles with 1 damage on your side of the scales
Ascensionicon eccentricpainter.png 25 Eccentric Painter All bosses start with a random canvas rule
Ascensionicon energyhammer.png 10 Energy Hammer The hammer costs 2 energy to use
Ascensionicon basedifficulty.png 15 More Difficult More and stronger opposing creatures in all battles
Ascensionicon oneup.png 25 Costly Respawn The cost for additional respawns is tripled
Ascensionicon leepbot.png 15 Leaping Side Deck Replace your Empty Vessels with L33pBots
Ascensionicon bounthunter.png 20 Wanted Fugitive Your bounty level is permanently increased by 2
Ascensionicon modifiers.png 20 Strange Encounters Some battles on each map will have additional effects
Ascensionicon multiverse.png 15 The Great Transcendence Unlock the secrets of the Great Transcendence