Within the world of Botopia, there are 4 regions with each ruled by an Uberbot. These regions are Foul Backwater, Filthy Corpse World, Gaudy Gem Land, and Resplendent Bastion. These regions are meant to mimic the regions found in Act 2, with the Uberbots also being mimics of the Scrybes. The region that you are currently in can effect things such as the cards you receive at card nodes or what nodes you encounter.
Central Bottopia
Central Bottopia is the Neutral region, with its boss being P03. The region is the equivalent of the Central Island from Act 2. This is the region that the player will start in at the beginning of a run and is made up of four rooms. The first room contains the first waypoint and a trade node for the player to trade their 2 or more tokens. To the right, the player can access a secret room that allows the player to change their figurine's appearance. When the player returns to Central Bottopia after beating all the Uberbots, they can access the third room which contains more nodes for them before they face P03. To the right, the player can access another secret room with a special generator battle that allows the player to see how much damage they can deal in 6 turns, while also tracking their high score across previous runs.
Foul Backwater
Foul Backwater is the Nature region, with its Uberbot being the Photographer. The region is the equivalent of Leshy's Cabin from Acts 1 and 2. The Photographer can be found in the its Cabin, which is the region's temple. By entering this region, you will unlock the Beastify node throughout the rest of the run. The region contains two areas, those being the Snow Line and Woodland. The only difference between two is that the Snow Line has Snowy Firs and the Woodland has Ancient Firs. The terrains for this region are said firs, with their type depending on what area the battle takes place in. The following cards can be encountered in battle or picked up and added to your deck.
Filthy Corpse World
Filthy Corpse World is the Undead region, with its Uberbot being the Archivist. The region is the equivalent of Grimora's Crypt from Act 2. By entering this region, you will unlock the Skeleclock node throughout the rest of the run. The region is split between the scrapyard and the Archivist's Crypt. The crypt is the region's temple and is where the Archivist resides along with her librarians, while the scrapyard is filthy. The terrains for this region are Tombstones, Bridge Rails, and Ghoulware, with them also appearing on the map in the scrapyard. The following cards can be encountered in battle or picked up and added to your deck.
Gaudy Gem Land
Gaudy Gem Land is the Magick region, with its Uberbot being the Unfinished Boss. The region is the equivalent of Magnificus' Tower from Act 2. The Unfinished Boss can be found in its tower, which is the region's temple. By entering this region, you will unlock the Gemification node throughout the rest of the run. The region is split between the Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald areas, with each area being covered in that gem. The terrains for this region are Mox Obelisk, Bridge Rails, and Vessels with the type depending on what area the battle takes place in. The following cards can be encountered in battle or picked up and added to your deck.
Resplendent Bastion
Resplendent Bastion is the Tech region, with its Uberbot being Golly. The region is the equivalent of P03's Factory from Acts 2 and 3. Golly can be found in her factory, which is the region's temple. By entering this region, you will unlock the Build-a-Bot node throughout the rest of the run. The region is split between the groundfloor and Golly's Factory, which are separated by an elevator. The terrains for this region are the Conduit Tower and other conduits. The following cards can be encountered in battle or picked up and added to your deck.